Back to Archive What to consider when budgeting for an office Refurbishment The new financial year is approaching and you're finally getting the budget for the much-needed office refurbishment, but where do you start in defining what needs to be done? Fixtures & Fittings Is your office partitioning in the right places? Is it adequate? Do you require more partitioning? Do you have enough electrical sockets or do you require more? Are there any extra data cabling outlets required? Does the existing lighting suit the office layout? Can you make better use of natural light? Is your heating and ventilation system working efficiently? When was it last serviced? Is the carpet looking tired, does it need changing or will a professional deep-clean suffice? Do you have adequate storage and is it in the right location within the office? Does everyone have a comfortable office chair that can be adjusted correctly. Office design and layout Does you office layout suit the way that everyone works? Does your office layout provide flexibility for company growth? Do people that regularly use printers/photocopiers have easy access to them? Does your office provide space for people to work privately/collaboratively? Does your reception area look professional and welcoming? Branding Does your office design reflect your company's brand values? Are there opportunities for adding your brand colours to the colour scheme? When we visit sites to start an office refurbishment, we don't expect you to have all the answers, after all, it could be the first time you've been tasked with an office refurbishment project. We've managed hundreds of successful office refurbishments from the early stages of project planning through to installation of new office furniture so we know what to look out for. If you would like some expert help, why not request a free spanning review? We are highly experienced in designing workplaces to promote happy and productive teams. Plus, if you choose to work with us, we have a multi skilled team that can handle every aspect of your office refurbishment and project management, leaving you to focus on what you do best. Contact us on 01293 775509 to find out more. You may also find our Essential guide to office refurbishment useful. You may also like What’s Influencing Office Fit Out Costs in 2025? Read more Dilapidation Cleaning for Maintenance and Legal Compliance Read more Breakout Spaces You Want to Spend Time In Read more